5 Ways Muslim Marriage Is Different From Western Marriage.

 5 Ways Muslim Marriage Is Different From Western Marriage.

A Muslim marriage is different from Western marriage. That’s because Muslim marriages follow Islamic guidelines, which are different than Western cultures. These differences can include everything from how you meet your partner to how you spend the day of your wedding. Here are some ways that Muslim marriage is different from Western marriages.

Differences in Islam

The Muslim religion is a huge part of Muslim culture. As a result, they have many guidelines for their marriages that differ from Western cultures. For example, in Islam, marriage is encouraged and encouraged at an early age.

Additionally, there are specific gender roles in Islam that mandate what the husband and wife can and cannot do. A woman cannot travel alone with a man who isn't her husband or family member without wearing a hijab (a headscarf), which is something that would never happen in Western culture.

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Some Islamic couples may not even hold hands unless they're married; this is different than a Western culture where holding hands between two people who aren't married can be seen as romantic, but not always sexual.


There's also the fact that some Muslim women wear the veil to cover their hair and face when in public while some do not; it all depends on personal preference and on what society she lives in.

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Meeting your partner

Many Muslim marriages are arranged by the families of the bride and groom. This is because Muslim culture values family unity, so it's important for the bride and groom to have a connection with each other’s families.

When you meet your partner, you won't need to go out on any first dates or spend hours chatting online. You'll already know your partner!

Wearing the Hijab

Many Muslim women wear the hijab, which is a scarf that covers hair, ears, and neck. This isn't required in Islam but is very common. Many Muslim women wear it to be more modest.

A hijab is often worn by Muslim women with their niqab or burka. The niqab is a veil that covers everything but the eyes, while the burka is a full-body garment that includes a veil for sight.

Differences in Wedding Ceremony

Western weddings are often very formal. The bride typically wears a white dress and the groom's dark suit. But in Muslim marriages, it’s more common for women to wear colorful dresses and men simple white ones.

The wedding ceremony itself also varies. As most Muslims believe that God is present at all times, they don’t make their wedding ceremony into an occasion where they invite guests over to celebrate with them. Instead, they only invite witnesses—usually two male family members or friends of theirs—to act as witnesses to their marriage vows.

Spending The Day Of Your Wedding

In a Muslim marriage, couples typically have a ceremony called a nikah, which is done in a mosque. The couple then celebrates with their families after the wedding. In Western culture, there’s often a rehearsal dinner or bachelor party before the wedding day itself.


Despite the differences between Muslim and Western marriages, it is important to have a shared understanding of the importance of marriage in Islam. The concept of marriage in Islam is seen as a commitment to Allah and a contract between two individuals, rather than a social event. Both partners need to remember that marriage requires hard work and that they should strive to do them. best to fulfill each other's needs and desires.

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